Official ICMI 2024 Workshop – November 4, 2024 (in person)
The GENEA (Generation and Evaluation of Non-verbal Behaviour for Embodied Agents) Workshop
2024 aims at bringing together researchers that use different methods for non-verbal-behaviour generation
and evaluation, and hopes to stimulate the discussions on how to improve both the
generation methods and the evaluation of the results. We invite all interested researchers to submit a
paper related to their
work in the area and to participate in the workshop. This is the fifth installment of the GENEA Workshop,
for more information about the 2023 installment, please go here.
Submission Deadlines: All deadlines are set at the end of the day, Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
GENEA 2024 is the fifth GENEA Workshop and an official workshop of ACM ICMI ’24, which will take place in San José, Costa Rica. Accepted paper submissions will be included in the adjunct ACM ICMI proceedings.
Generating non-verbal behaviours, such as gesticulation, facial expressions and gaze, is of great importance for natural interaction with embodied agents such as virtual agents and social robots. At present, behaviour generation is typically powered by rule-based systems, data-driven approaches, and their hybrids. For evaluation, both objective and subjective methods exist, but their application and validity are frequently a point of contention.
This workshop asks, “What will be the behaviour-generation methods of the future? And how can we evaluate these methods using meaningful objective and subjective metrics?” The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on the generation and evaluation of non-verbal behaviours for embodied agents to discuss the future of this field. To kickstart these discussions, we invite all interested researchers to submit a paper for presentation at the workshop.
We will accept long (max 8 pages) and short (max 4 pages) paper submissions, all in the same double-column ACM conference format as used by ICMI. Pages containing only references do not count toward the page limit for any of the paper types. Submissions should be formatted for double-blind review made in PDF format through OpenReview.
Submission site:
To encourage authors to make their work reproducible and reward the effort that this requires, we have introduced the GENEA Workshop Reproducibility Award.
We will also host an open poster session for advertising your late-breaking results and already-published work to the community. No paper submission is needed to participate in the poster session, and these posters will not be part of any proceedings (non archival). Submission guidelines for the poster session will be available on the workshop website.
The GENEA Workshop at ACM ICMI 2024 will host an open poster session for advertising your late-breaking results and recently-published work to the community. Only a poster submission is required, no paper submission is needed to participate in the poster session, and these posters will not be part of any proceedings (i.e., non-archival). However, poster presentation does require a valid registration with ICMI to attend the workshop, and is subject to space constraints.
The main contact address of the workshop is:
Join our Slack space dedicated to the gesture generation research community.
In order to ensure the security and integrity of our community, we kindly ask you to fill out
this form
to obtain the invitation link.
Join us to share your work, data, interesting papers, questions, ideas, job opportunities and more.
And keep up to date with the latest workshop news by following us on X.